PHILOSOPHIA MUNDIPT. Kreasi Karya Majakataen-USPhilosophiamundi3031-7703Understanding Common Learner Errors: A Contrastive Analysis Approach Through Pre-Service Teachers Interview
<p><em>This study examines prevalent linguistic inaccuracies encountered by individuals learning the English language, as well as the perceptions and methodologies employed by pre-service educators in addressing these inaccuracies through contrastive analysis. The adopted methodology is qualitative, utilizing contrastive analysis to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the frequent errors and the approaches that pre-service teachers can utilize to correct them. The results indicate that learners commonly struggle with various elements, including grammatical issues, pronunciation errors, interference from their native language, limited vocabulary, and psychological challenges such as anxiety and diminished self-confidence. Through semi-structured interviews conducted with 20 pre-service teachers, the research pinpointed effective strategies employed, which comprise explicit correction techniques, phonetic drills, thematic vocabulary instruction, and the establishment of a nurturing classroom atmosphere. The findings underscored the necessity for enhanced teacher training, the incorporation of technology, student-centric methodologies, cultural awareness, and ongoing professional development for educators to elevate the effectiveness of language instruction.</em></p>Ahmad Rizky Ardi PratamaFatimah AzzahraKhoiriahLarasati Dwi WahyuniMaulia HafizhahNurhapsi HarahapPutri Adinda PratiwiRaisa Rahmi NasutionSarah Davina L. TobingTanzila BaharTsabitha Azra
Copyright (c) 2025 Philosophiamundi
2025-02-122025-02-1231405413Analisis Literatur Jurnal Pada Variasi Pengendalian Mikroorganisme
<p><em>This research discusses various methods of controlling microorganisms through literature analysis from various scientific journals. Microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and protozoa can have positive or negative impacts. For this reason, controlling microorganisms is important in order to maximize their benefits and minimize their negative impacts. This study describes the effectiveness of various control techniques, including biological, chemical, and physical approaches. This analysis is expected to provide new insights regarding innovative and environmentally friendly methods of controlling microorganisms, relevant for various fields such as health, industry and agriculture, while maintaining the balance of the microbial ecosystem</em></p>Miftahul KhairaniAlfina Sukma Hayati DamanikIsnaini Rahmah LubisMutiara NabillaSyntia Zeyrani Nahombang
Copyright (c) 2025 Philosophiamundi
2025-02-122025-02-1231414422Pengaruh Kompetensi Sosial Guru Terhadap Minat Belajar PAI Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Swasta Taman Siswa Sidomulyo Kab. Batubara
<p><strong><em> </em></strong><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of teachers' social competence on students' learning interest in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) for 8th-grade students at SMP Swasta Taman Siswa Sidomulyo, Batubara Regency. This research employs a quantitative approach, with the entire population of 60 students serving as the sample (total sampling). Data collection instruments include observations and questionnaires, while the data analysis technique used is the t-test. The results indicate that the t-calculated value for teachers' social competence is 7.516, while the t-table value with 58 degrees of freedom (df) is 1.671. With a significance value of 0.000 (< 0.05), these findings suggest that teachers' social competence has a significant and positive impact on students' learning interest in Islamic Religious Education.</em></p>Dewi SafitriHafsahMakmur Syukri
Copyright (c) 2025 Philosophiamundi